How to Improve Whole-body Communication

How to Improve Whole-body Communication

Whole-body communication is the art of using body language to convey messages in a way that is both powerful and effective. This form of communication is based on the idea…

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Debating Skills in the 21st Century

Debating Skills in the 21st Century

Improves critical thinking skills Debating is an essential skill that can help children thrive in the 21st century. In an age where communication skills and critical thinking are becoming increasingly…

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Why should kids have strong interpersonal skills?

Why should kids have strong interpersonal skills?

Interpersonal skills refer to the ability to interact and communicate effectively with other people. They are vital for children's success, both personally and professionally. Strong interpersonal skills enable kids to…

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Boost your Confidence with Drama

Boost your Confidence with Drama

Let us banish the myth that Public Speaking happens only in front of a large audience. Public Speaking happens every day and so making it less stressful and more fun…

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Communication Skills: The Most Sought-After Skill in the Modern World

Communication Skills: The Most Sought-After Skill in the Modern World

In today's fast-paced and interconnected world, effective communication has emerged as the most sought-after skill across industries and professions. Regardless of your field or position, the ability to convey ideas,…

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Crafting Killer Openings to Hook Your Audience

Crafting Killer Openings to Hook Your Audience

“Did you know that 90% of people fear public speaking more than death? Well, today, we’re going to conquer that fear together.” In the realm of public speaking, the first…

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Mastering the Art of Speech Structure

Mastering the Art of Speech Structure

In the realm of public speaking, every word, every pause, and every gesture holds immense power. Whether you're delivering a keynote address, presenting a business proposal, or giving a toast…

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Calming An Anxious Child Before a Presentation

Calming An Anxious Child Before a Presentation

As adults, we know all too well the nervous jitters that can accompany public speaking. Now, imagine experiencing those same feelings as a child—facing a classroom full of peers, all…

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Short Stories for Kids

Short Stories for Kids

The Mystery of the Missing Cookies Once upon a time, in the cozy town of London, there lived two best friends, Sasha and Jack. They loved nothing more than spending…

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Top Learning Apps Your Kids Will Love

Top Learning Apps Your Kids Will Love

In today's digital age, children are growing up surrounded by technology. While excessive screen time can be a concern for parents, there are numerous educational apps available that can engage…

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